Carniny AYFC are now seeking expressions of interest for additional Coaching staff for our U19 squad for the 22/23 and into the 23/24 season in the South Belfast Youth League. The club is seeking individuals who are willing and passionate to take on the management/coaching role within the club and work towards our clubs plans and ambitions. This role will involve working with our current core group of players, new players and senior team management & Coaching Staff. This is a voluntary role but the club will support the individual(s) in their journey, We will aim to help the coach progress through their coaching qualifications if they haven't already achieved these. Anyone interest pls contact Billy O'Flaherty 07850 669666

With Carniny Amateur & Youth FC now flourishing we would like to hear from Parents / Guardians of Girls Born 2010, 2011, 2012. 2013, 2014 and 2015 interested in playing football. If this is of interest to your child contact us on 07803974402 for details on how to register.

Carniny Amateur & Youth would like to hear from Parents / Guardians of Boys & Girls Born 2018, 2017 & 2016 interested in playing football. We are particularly keen to hear from those born 2018 as the will be newest age group come September. If this of interest to your child please contact us on 07803974402 for details on how to register. Those players born 2017 & 2016 who are already with us don't need to anything as we already have your details.

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